Overview & Benefits
As a member of our Benchmarking community, you will be invited to our annual planning conference, where the community works to shape the focus of the current year's program. Our community has input into the questions that are asked. Participants also receive a performance and demographics report that allows you to compare their performance within the community easily. All of this is done with the full support of the 1QC team, where we provide kick-off meetings, help and guidance with data collection, and a rigorous data validation process to ensure like for like data submissions.

Electric Transmission and Distribution
An annual benchmarking program that provides comparisons across the key elements of Transmission Lines, Distribution Lines and Substations.
O&M expenditures and capital investments, reliability and safety
Service Levels: Understanding and measuring work volumes and drivers of work
Enabling Practices: Initiatives, Staffing, and Supporting functions
​Customer Service
An annual benchmarking program evaluating the performance in traditional areas of Customer Service (Metering, Billing, Customer Contact Channels, Payment Handling, Field Service and Credit and Collections) Performance:
O&M expenditures- functional and unit cost, digital experience;
Service Levels: Customer Contact, Self Service, Billing Accuracy, Arrears Management
Enabling Practices: Initiatives, Staffing, Technology and Supporting functions
Resiliency Benchmarking
An annual benchmarking program evaluating utility performance under stress and adaptation to disruptions.
O&M expenditures, financial health, outage response, and organizational progress.
Service Levels:
Actionable insights through benchmarking comparisons, work drivers, and operational improvements to enhance resilience planning and recovery.
Enabling Practices:
Peer discussion forums, the Resilience Assessment Tool, and collaborative knowledge-sharing for continuous growth and sustainable resilience.
Personalized Copy of our Annual Report

Cost comparisons and relative position of YOUR company
Cost Comparisons
Service Level Performance
Technology utilization and trends
Insights into practices used by companies
Complimentary Attendance at our Annual Insights Conference

Send as few as a single representative or 10
Network with other like individuals from our member companies
3 days of insights and learnings about the performance, changes, and trends in our industry
Hear from featured presenters on topics the community has selected
Custom Prepared On-site Meeting

We come to you, at your location of choice and deliver a message tailored to your needs
The team at 1QC will work with you to develop material specific to your KPIs, initiatives, and desired learnings
We will cull from the over 900 pages of our annual report to create a 2-to-8-hour presentation specifically for your company
Included is historical trending to understand the rate of improvement